An upsurge in interest in sailing in the early 60’s saw the launch of the Mirror Dinghy, a homemade sailing boat which was affordable to devotees and one such boat made locally was on display at the launch of Antrim Boat Club in 1966. The club quickly established a fleet of about 12 dinghies and along with some GP14’s and National 12’s, racing started with a twice weekly program. The club was careful to include motor boat and canoe enthusiasts in the original charter but it was the sailors who drove the formation of the club. The Six Mile river which had always been used for fishing boats and industrial navigation and even sports sailing (as at the start of the 20th century it was the home of a sailing club of about 6 boats). The present club was however formed in January 1966, it quickly developed despite the lack of facilities. In the early days the boats were either taken out on trailers or hauled out onto the river bank. The winter series became very popular as the coastal venues closed down in winter and the Belfast News Letter sponsored series attracted competitors from all over Ireland. Queens University has a fleet of Squibs at the club for many winters and the Puppeteer 22 was designed by a club member and was a popular sailing boat at the club for many years. Sailing at the club suffered a bit when the modern marinas started to develop but the fact we have our own private area with an excellent clubhouse and a highly experienced collective should ensure a long sailing future.
Jeff Harrison - 07708905128